Elderly Dog Saved from Rooftop After Losing Sight in Polluted Floodwater in Kherson

The Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine collapsed on June 6, 2023. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has referred to it as the most significant environmental disaster in Europe’s history, while Ukraine claims that Russian forces intentionally destroyed the dam and hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper River.

stranded dogs Kherson

Ever since the water levels began to increase, the affected areas have become a nightmare for both humans and animals. Many villages and towns are now flooded, leaving those affected in dire need of evacuation. Among the most heartbreaking scenes witnessed during this period is that of an old dog stuck on the roof of a building in Kherson, with water surrounding it as far as the eye can see.

three dogs stranded in flood water

It was truly heart-breaking to learn that the unfortunate dog had lost his eyesight due to toxic substances in the water and had been continuously howling for help for three days. As the water continued to rise rapidly, there was a pressing need to act fast and save the poor animal.

dog stranded in flood water

Thankfully, there are selfless individuals and volunteer organizations that have made their way to the area to assist those affected by the dam’s failure. Among these groups is @lovefurryfriends, a small rescue group dedicated to rescuing abandoned and lost animals ever since the conflict began.

dog stranded on porch

With boats, animal carriers, and other essential equipment in tow, they embarked on their mission in the murky green-brown waters of floating mines. Their rescue attempts were daring, making the operation even more hazardous. The first rescue they faced was the sight of three dogs stranded atop floating debris and lumber.

wounded dog

Several wounded and oil-covered animals were encountered by the rescuers who were frightened, hungry, and tired. They constantly ferried the grateful animals onto different watercraft and transported them to safer areas where they could be cared for with food, medical check-ups, and proper treatment.

sick dog

Amidst the chaos, the area was bombarded with heavy shelling, which made the already distressed animals even more agitated and caused panic among their rescuers. However, they persisted in their efforts despite the difficult circumstances. When the curfew set in at 11 p.m., they took the animals to a vet clinic under the cover of darkness where they could receive proper care. Unfortunately, several of the animals are in dire need of assistance, with some in critical condition.

rescue dog

The situation was quite intense, as one would assume, but what struck me the most was seeing an older dog who had been blinded by the oil on the water’s surface. Despite being in the care of skilled veterinarians, he seemed frail, yet managed to maintain a healthy appetite. The team was putting forth every effort to preserve any remaining vision he had left.

Sick dog on the mend

Despite the chaotic situation, the vets and rescuers persevered, showing unwavering dedication to their cause. Amidst the commotion and fear, they took measures to ensure that the animals were kept warm and as comfortable as possible, utilizing heat lamps and other resources at their disposal.

young dog at Kherson vet clinic

If you’re interested in lending a hand by taking care of or funding one of these vulnerable dogs, feel free to reach out to the aid organization via [email protected]. Let’s make sure we support animal rescues in every corner of the world. Also, don’t forget to watch the amazing video below.

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